Explore the hottest developer projects on Show HN for 2024-11-09. Dive into innovative tech, AI applications, and exciting new inventions!
Summary of Today's Content
Today, several innovative projects were highlighted on Show HN. Noteworthy entries include a Figma plugin for tracking design changes, an AI platform connecting startups and investors, and a tool for converting YouTube videos into social media posts. Other interesting developments feature a minimalist logo generator, a micropodcast app, and a payments solution for social media shopping. Additionally, projects like an AI decision assistant and an open-source TOTP generator aim to enhance user experiences across different domains. Overall, a diverse range of creative solutions emerged, showcasing the vibrant developer community.
1. Show HN: I created a plugin for Figma to track changes in the design
URL: https://www.figma.com/community/widget/1435549937776286728/changeloger
Author: beingmani
Description: Hey HN,
I'm a designer who wants to learn development and build products. I shipped 3 plugins in the last 4 months.
So, I was having this problem at work where it was super hard to keep track of all the design changes because of scoping. Developers were always confused about what changed and where. I got tired of the back-and-forth, so I decided to do something about it!
And Here I'm with changeloger.
I built this for 2 main reasons,
- To have smoother communication with developers and keep them on track.
- Have a log of changes with designs linked to the log.
I hope this will be useful to track logs as it is useful to me. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
2. Show HN: Icon (AI Ads, icon.me, funded by Peter Thiel's Founders Fund)
URL: https://icon.me
Author: kennandavison
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
3. Show HN: A Suite of Chrome Extensions for Instagram Marketers
URL: https://extensionsfox.store
Author: qwikhost
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
4. Show HN: LLM driven OS to execute network security exploration agents
URL: https://github.com/skirdey/boss
Author: stan_kirdey
Description: I made this thing where LLM works like a tiny OS kernel - it plans tasks and runs different agents. Right now it's doing security stuff (poking at networks, checking SSL, testing APIs) with WebGoat as a playground.
The ultimate goal is to ask it "find vulnerabilities in XYZ" and see it orchestrate its own tools, backtrack, try different approaches, etc.
The cool part is the LLM doesn't just blast out a bunch of tokens - it plans, reasons and executes tasks step by step during inference.
Currently playing with security agents but you could plug in anything really. Would love getting you to play with it and maybe add an agent or two.
Popularity: 2 points | 0 comments
5. Show HN: Turn YouTube videos into X and LinkedIn posts
Author: joezee
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
6. Show HN: Gleam.so – Beautiful OG images in seconds, no design skills needed
URL: https://gleam.so
Author: anhphong
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
7. Show HN: Dracan – Open-source, 1:1 proxy with simple filtering/validation config
URL: https://github.com/Veinar/dracan
Author: k4k4
Description: If you are tired of using Apache or Nginx to proxy your app and implement validation or limiting you may be interested in this hobbyist project. Thanks for all feedback.
Popularity: 17 points | 9 comments
8. Show HN: I created a ready-to-use web development funcs just like Marc Lou
Author: arthuryuzbashew
Description: I created https://www.shipseo.lol so you can use and ship your products faster!
Yes it's almost same to Marc Lou's but I made it 4 times cheaper and + added SEO roadmap:)
Popularity: 1 points | 4 comments
9. Show HN: Guided – Creative AI Agents for Dating
Author: nisowa
Description: Hey everyone!
Let's be real: dating apps can feel like a 7-part job interview these days.
You need skills in photography, bio-writing, filtering, texting, flirting, scheduling dates, and even saying “no thanks” like a pro. It’s exhausting!
That's why we built Guided. Our AI Dating Guides are like your personal dating coaches from the future, handling every step—from picking your best photos to making sure that first date goes smoothly (and helping you gracefully bow out if it doesn’t).
Our waitlist is now live and we’re launching December 2024.
We're deploying state of the art AI Agents to help you perfect yourself and find the ideal match.
Happy to hear any feedback, comments, or suggestions!
Popularity: 1 points | 1 comments
10. Show HN: RODCast – Listen to Reddit Threads as AI-Generated Podcasts
Author: naxmax
Description: RODCast turns Reddit threads into fully narrated podcasts, curated by our AI host, Rod. It pulls comments from any subreddit or thread, analyzes the content, selects voice tones, and stitches together a seamless listening experience. It’s Reddit, but hands-free.
RODCast is ideal for people who love Reddit but prefer audio content – perfect for commutes, workouts, or background listening. We’re experimenting with AI-driven moderation, topic analysis, and live show options. Feedback welcome, especially on which subreddits to cover or features to add!
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
11. Show HN: MyTrip.city – AI-Powered Travel Itinerary Generator
URL: https://mytrip.city/
Author: Extender777
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
12. Show HN: Visprex – Open-source, in-browser data visualisation tool for CSV files
URL: https://docs.visprex.com/
Author: kengoa
Description: Hello HN. I've always found writing data visualisation scripts boring and repetitive in data science workflows earlier in my career, so I built this tool to automate it. The available methods are based on my experience in econometrics where histograms and scatterplots were the starting points to check data distributions.
The link is to the documentation and the app is freely available at https://visprex.com, and if you're curious about the implementation it's open source at https://github.com/visprex/visprex. I'd appreciate any comments and feedback!
Popularity: 144 points | 21 comments
13. Show HN: Akas: A Micropodcasting App
Author: sftechdude
Description: App store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/akas-a-micropodcasting-app/id6... Play store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigyankark... Site link: https://akashq.com Invitation code: BVN55L
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
14. Show HN: AI Customer Support for SaaS Companies
URL: https://zupport.ai
Author: dan_lupashku
Description: Hi everyone - we launched Zupport, an AI Customer Support product for SaaS companies.
The reason is that we've worked for multiple SaaS products and noticed a few common patterns that they're struggling with.
We need help with ideas to get the first 10 users, which seems extremely hard to do, and would really appreciate any feedback from anyone with similar experience.
At the moment, we're trying things that don't scale:
- Cold outreach (email, LinkedIn)
- Customized demos
- Reaching out to our network
- PH Launch
- Launches on other websites
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
15. Show HN: Jaws – a JavaScript to WASM ahead-of-time compiler
URL: https://github.com/drogus/jaws
Author: drogus
Description: I've open sourced a JavaScript to WASM compiler. It's an experimental tool, but given the semantics I already implemented, I'm fairly certain I am able to eventually cover 100% of JavaScript spec. Any ideas, questions or critique welcomed! If you are interested in WASM, especially with new proposals like WASM GC or exception handling, it might be a good source of seeing these features in action - the project has a few thousand lines of hand written WAT so far.
Popularity: 221 points | 82 comments
16. Show HN: Deploy ComfyUI workflows as a web app with no code
URL: https://playground.viewcomfy.com/deploy
Author: gbieler
Description: We just launched a tool to deploy ComfyUI workflows as web apps in just a few clicks. This project had two distinct components: an app builder and cloud infrastructure optimised for ComfyUI.
The app builder part of our project is open-sourced and makes it easy to put a user-friendly UI on top of any ComfyUI workflows: https://github.com/ViewComfy/ViewComfy
The cloud services include an auto-installer that takes care of all the nodes and models needed to run a workflow, so that you can get started quickly. It can be used to deploy ViewComfy apps or APIs.
We've created a playground section where you can see some examples of workflows that we have deployed already: https://playground.viewcomfy.com/
Let us know if you have any feedback :)
Popularity: 2 points | 0 comments
17. Show HN: Libro – a customizable notebook solution supports generative AI
URL: https://github.com/difizen/libro
Author: libro_project
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
18. Show HN: Arch GW – Distributed gateway for agents, engineered with small LLMs
Author: sparacha
Description: Hi HN
My name is Salman and I work on Arch GW - the intelligent gateway designed to protect, observe, and personalize LLM applications with your APIs. https://github.com/katanemo/arch
Our team built Envoy Proxy at Lyft, and re-imagined it with the belief that: Prompts are nuanced and opaque user requests, which require the same capabilities as traditional HTTP requests including secure handling, intelligent routing, robust observability, and integration with backend (API) systems for personalization – all outside business logic.
Engineered with purpose-built LLMs, Arch handles the critical but undifferentiated tasks related to the handling and processing of prompts, including detecting and rejecting jailbreak attempts, intelligently calling "backend" APIs to fulfill the user's request represented in a prompt, routing to and offering disaster recovery between upstream LLMs, and managing the observability of prompts and LLM interactions in a centralized way.
Core Features:
* Built on Envoy: Arch runs alongside application servers, and builds on top of Envoy's proven HTTP management and scalability features to handle ingress and egress traffic related to prompts and LLMs.
* Function Calling for fast Agentic and RAG apps. Engineered with purpose-built LLMs to handle fast, cost-effective, and accurate prompt-based tasks like function/API calling, and parameter extraction from prompts.
* Prompt Guard: Arch centralizes prompt guardrails to prevent jailbreak attempts and ensure safe user interactions without writing a single line of code.
* Traffic Management: Arch manages LLM calls, offering smart retries, automatic cutover, and resilient upstream connections for continuous availability.
* Standards-based Observability: Arch uses the W3C Trace Context standard to enable complete request tracing across applications, ensuring compatibility with observability tools, and provides metrics to monitor latency, token usage, and error rates.
We are just getting started, and would love feedback and contribution from the community
Popularity: 7 points | 0 comments
19. Show HN: Svgg – Turn raw SVG into image link
URL: https://svgg.link
Author: asiffer
Popularity: 6 points | 0 comments
20. Show HN: 0x4c – Information Collections
URL: https://0x4c.quest
Author: 0x4c-Quest
Popularity: 4 points | 0 comments
21. Show HN: I built a map to find sign-posted cycling routes across Europe and POIs
URL: https://veloplanner.com/routes
Author: caspg
Description: Excited to share an early version of my project - https://veloplanner.com
It's an interactive map where you can find signposted cycling routes (not MTB yet) and various POIs (campgrounds, shelters, viewpoints, and historic points). Everything is powered by OpenStreetMap.
Currently, it only covers Europe since I wanted to limit hardware requirements. Even with just Europe, I needed an extra 1TB disk to handle data import.
I'm planning to support the whole world in the near future.
Right now it's just a viewer, but I plan to keep building and adding more features. Route planner will be main one to add. Also, I want to present detailed data about surfaces and bicycle infrastructure along the routes.
Let me know what you think - any feedback is appreciated!
Tech stack:
- MapLibre + TypeScript (no frameworks) for map rendering
- Planetiler to generate basemap
- osm2pgsql, gdal and tippecanoe to generate POIs and route layers (routes require extra post processing, which I do in Elixir)
- Web app is written in Elixir/Phoenix
I'm hosting web app on Heroku and using Hetzner dedicated server to process OSM data.
Popularity: 5 points | 2 comments
22. Show HN: I built an app to simplify meal prep with automatic macro calculations
URL: https://flavora.fr
Author: wailroth
Popularity: 1 points | 5 comments
23. Show HN: I built an AI-powered platform to match startups with ideal investors
URL: https://www.aloangels.me/
Author: gaurangdeka
Description: Hey HN,
I’ve noticed how challenging it can be for early-stage founders and people with big ideas to find the right investors. Traditional funding routes can often fall short, and cold outreach is hit-or-miss. I wanted to change that.
So, I created AloAngels, an AI-powered platform that matches startups and ideas with investors based on personalized metrics.
Data-driven matching – Leverages 15+ metrics like focus areas, investment history, and stage preferences to align with the right investors. Inclusive for all stages – Designed for founders with established startups and those with just an idea.
Increases funding potential – Connects founders and investors for higher success rates with tailored recommendations.
It’s a straightforward setup and includes an Investment Likelihood Score to help you gauge your chances.
Popularity: 1 points | 2 comments
24. Show HN: I made a "Menu Link in Bio" for online food seller
URL: https://mecook.app
Author: TonyBui26
Popularity: 1 points | 1 comments
25. Show HN: I Built a Todo Task Management Web App
URL: https://taskmastersz.netlify.app/p/landng
Author: codetoli
Popularity: 5 points | 12 comments
26. Show HN: Daily Show HN Highlights in 3 Languages
Author: sagasu007
Description: Hi everyone! I’m an indie developer and a longtime HN reader, and like many of you, I get a lot of inspiration and insight from the Show HN section. But I noticed that I kept missing some of the coolest projects that pop up there, so I decided to build Show HN Today as a solution.
What Show HN Today does:
Daily roundup: Each day, it uses AI to automatically pull together the latest Show HN posts, so I (and hopefully others) won’t miss anything interesting. Multi-language support: It publishes the content in English, Chinese, and Japanese, so more people can follow along and explore. Images and summaries: Each project gets a brief description and a visual preview, making it easier to get a quick sense of what it’s about. This is a simple tool I made for myself and friends, but I thought it might also be useful for others who don’t want to miss out on great ideas and projects from the HN community.
I’d love any feedback or suggestions you have—I know there’s always room for improvement, and it’d be great to hear what you think! Thanks for checking it out!
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
27. Show HN: I made a minimalistic logo generator
URL: https://logomark.ai/
Author: Kristjan_Retter
Popularity: 1 points | 2 comments
28. Show HN: A crate that breaks docs.rs
URL: https://docs.rs/evilcrate/latest/evilcrate/
Author: ironmagma
Popularity: 2 points | 2 comments
29. Show HN: Building one Next.js landing page template every day
URL: https://www.nextframer.com
Author: Yacine75
Description: Hey, I'm Yacine!
I'm building NextFramer - my attempt to create LandingFolio but for React code. Instead of just designs, you get production-ready Next.js templates.
What I'm doing:
- Ship 1 new template daily
- 11 templates live (SaaS/Agency)
- Building till $10K
- $49 lifetime access (early-bird)
Follow the journey: x.com/yacinesir Try it out: nextframer.com
Just a dev trying to help others ship faster
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
30. Show HN: Twordle – A two-player Wordle game
URL: https://twordle.app
Author: jjpell
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
31. Show HN: A Chrome extension to Test and Preview 1000 fonts on any webpage
URL: https://font-tester.foxcraft.tech/
Author: pauls_freeman
Description: Despite having a good color palette and design, something seemed off for a project I was making for my client.
I then started playing around with different google fonts one by one, which was time consuming, but changing typography did make a huge difference.
So, to save time I made this chrome extension to help you test and preview 1000+ Google fonts and generate the CSS code for it.
You can also upload and test local fonts on website with it. Right now, the extension works on any chromium based browser, will soon develop for Firefox as well.
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
32. Show HN: HTML-to-Markdown – convert entire websites to Markdown with Golang/CLI
URL: https://github.com/JohannesKaufmann/html-to-markdown
Author: JohannesKauf
Description: Hey HN!
I originally built “html-to-markdown” back in 2018 (while still in high school) to handle complex HTML conversions where other libraries struggled.
Now, I’ve released v2 — a complete rewrite designed to handle even more edge cases. It supports entire websites with a high accuracy.
Example use: I’ve used it in my RSS reader to strip HTML down to clean Markdown, similar to the "Reader Mode" in your Browser.
It can be used as a Golang package or as an CLI.
Give it a try & tell me what edge cases you encounter!
Popularity: 304 points | 46 comments
33. Show HN: Where to Launch Your Startup?
Author: paperpromise
Popularity: 2 points | 1 comments
34. Show HN: Tool to discover your YC network connections before Nov 12 deadline
URL: #
Author: maciek
Description: With YC W24 applications closing on Nov 12, I built a tool to help founders discover existing connections they might have to YC partners and alumni. The tool analyzes your professional network (from calendar and email) and maps it against our index of YC team members and founders to show:
* Direct connections you may have forgotten about
* Second-degree connections through your network
* Paths to reach relevant YC partners or founders
Video demo: https://www.loom.com/share/97bf6a42c7eb4712b77cfbb55a9d518f
The tool: https://graph.one/
Built this because many founders don't realize they might already have valuable connections in their network who could provide application feedback or introductions.
Popularity: 3 points | 0 comments
35. Show HN: Curie – Curate your Substack, blogs and news with an LLM filter
URL: https://trycurie.com
Author: leo_uchiha
Description: Hi,
I'm Rakshith, one of the makers of Curie — a tool for curating your Substack, blogs, and news with an LLM filter. The primary reason I've made this is to KNOW what I'm reading, whether it's worth my time, and if I find it interesting.
Available on macOS. Try it out!
Popularity: 1 points | 0 comments
36. Show HN Deciser: Your AI-Powered Decision Assistant for Life's Choices
URL: https://deciser.com/
Author: deciser
Popularity: 1 points | 8 comments
37. Show HN: I am building a payments app to shop from social media
URL: #
Author: djaygour
Description: Hey HN,
I'm building a payment solution that lets customers buy directly from social media without leaving platforms like Instagram, Facebook, etc. So why do we all need this? There are millions of small and medium businesses and brands that can't establish an online presence, and most of them regularly use social media to post about their products.
I want to help these businesses. Instagram and Facebook have shopping features, but only for a few brands, and they are not available in many regions like India. India has the world's second most active social media users and millions of businesses trying to acquire customers using social media. I want users and buyers to be able to shop directly from posts without leaving the app. I want my payment model on these platforms to create more convenience for customers and reduce business costs.
So, if someone who has worked at Facebook, Instagram, or any other company has valuable advice for me, please share.
How can I make this happen?
Will these platforms allow me to?
Thank you
Popularity: 1 points | 4 comments
38. Show HN: DOCX template populator tool
URL: http://docxt.mdtools.xyz/
Author: mdimec4
Popularity: 1 points | 5 comments
39. Show HN: Split Pdfs by Page or File Size
URL: https://pdfsplitter.ifelse.io
Author: markthethomas
Description: Just a little utility project I put together; using Go, JS
Popularity: 1 points | 1 comments
40. Show HN: AuthWeb – open-source TOTP and Password Generator
URL: https://auth.web.id/
Author: riipandi
Description: AuthWeb is a minimalist web-based tool for generating secure TOTP tokens and passwords. Built with privacy and security in mind, all computations are performed client-side with no data storage.
Key features:
- Generate TOTP tokens with QR code support
- Configurable password generator (single/batch mode)
- Zero data collection or storage
- Clean, responsive UI built with Tailwind CSS
- Self-hostable and open source under MIT license
The project aims to provide a reliable alternative to proprietary authenticator apps while maintaining simplicity and user privacy. QR codes are generated on Cloudflare's edge network for enhanced security.
Try it out: https://auth.web.id Source code: https://github.com/riipandi/authweb
Looking forward to feedback from the HN community! Let me know what you think about the implementation and security aspects.
#security #opensource #authentication #privacy
Popularity: 6 points | 3 comments
Today's Show HN roundup showcases a diverse range of innovative projects. From AI-powered tools to creative coding solutions, these projects reflect the dynamic nature of our tech community. Which project caught your attention the most? Let us know in the comments!
Tags: #ShowHN #TechInnovation #DeveloperProjects #AI Applications #Open Source Software