ShowHN Today

ShowHN Today 2024-09-09 en

#HackNews#ShowHN#ShowHN Today

1. Show HN: I write short fiction stories that are (sort of) set around tech

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Author: jaronilan


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


2. Show HN: Faceshapes – 10 seconds analyze face shapes

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Author: lafeoooooo

Text: A face shape analysis report, eyewear, and hairstyle recommendations are all from a single photo. Plus, there are more facial feature tips and beauty tricks. No registration is required, free to use, and photos stay on your device only.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


3. Show HN:

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Author: johnwheeler

Text: Hello HN,

I created a browser extension that records your screen and then sends keyframes over to the GPT Vision API for annotation.

The use case for my software is creating interactive product demos.

Here is my app giving a demo of itself (a milestone I am extremely proud of!):

In the demo, you can see how I’m extracting key frames from the screen recording and sending them over to the LLM with various annotations. I use AWS Lambda with FFMpeg layers for that.

For the keyframes, I draw a red dot on the cursor using Python Imaging Library (PIL) and I also draw sequence and timestamp information under the frames. I have a prompt I’ve been tuning for a while and it’s not perfect but, it still saves a ton of time and has great results.

The system prompt is:

“Generate brief, action-oriented web interaction descriptions. Use varied verbs, focus on direct results, and leverage provided context. Pay close attention to both original and scaled coordinates.”

but the user prompt is my secret sauce ;-)

I am launching it on Product Hunt in a few days here:

I created because I like how Screen Studio feels, but it is Desktop Mac only, and it doesn’t have interactive features. Also, I like the ability to create my own A.I. features on top of interactive demos and just the space in general because I’ve been developing and showing off software for 24 years. It’s a natural fit for me.

Check it out at

I appreciate your support and am happy to answer any questions HN has.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments

4. Show HN: A Résumé parser that doesn’t suck

URL: Visit Now

Author: andersonbcdefg


Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


5. Show HN: Hyerable, your AI-assisted hiring platform

URL: Visit Now

Author: jdalton

Text: In today’s job market, one thing is abundantly clear: hiring is broken. As someone who has spent the majority of my career in engineering, I’ve witnessed firsthand the inefficiencies and frustrations of the current hiring process. This realization led me to create Hyerable, an AI-assisted hiring platform designed to address these pain points and revolutionize how companies and candidates connect.

The Current Model: A Broken System

For years, the hiring process has followed a straightforward yet convoluted path. Candidates submit resumes and cover letters, then wait. And wait. And sometimes, they never hear back at all.

This traditional model is fraught with issues:

It’s Time-Consuming: Companies are often ill-equipped to handle the volume of applications they receive. Even with dedicated HR staff, processing thousands of applications can take months.

The Process is Backwards: Why waste time on candidates who aren’t a cultural fit, regardless of their perfect resume? Shouldn’t we assess cultural alignment first?

Candidates are Left in the Dark: The infamous “application black hole” leaves applicants frustrated and disengaged.

Gatekeepers and Arbitrary Filters: From overzealous ATS systems to human gatekeepers with questionable criteria, qualified candidates are often filtered out for trivial reasons.

Inconsistent Interview Experiences: Technical interviews, while well-intentioned, can become problematic when conducted by those without proper training or perspective.

Data Harvesting and Fake Job Postings: Shady practices in the recruitment industry further erode trust and waste candidates’ time.

The Hyerable Way: A New Vision for Hiring

Hyerable is built on a foundation of transparency, efficiency, and respect for both candidates and employers.

Here’s how we’re changing the game:

Candidate Data Control: Applicants maintain full control over their personal information, choosing when and what to reveal to potential employers.

Flexible Interviewing: Our platform allows candidates to interview at their convenience, eliminating scheduling conflicts and allowing for more thoughtful responses.

Prioritizing Dealbreakers: We structure the process to address potential dealbreakers early, saving time for both parties.

AI-Powered, Rubric-Based Scoring: Our AI uses employer-defined rubrics for fair and consistent evaluation, removing human bias while maintaining context-specific assessments. Streamlined Process: Candidates can complete their entire initial screening in the time it would typically take to write a cover letter.

Quality Over Quantity for Employers: Companies only receive pre-qualified candidates who have passed all screenings and chosen to share their information.

Why This Matters

The hiring process is more than just a means to an end; it’s often a candidate’s first interaction with a company. A poor experience can tarnish an employer’s reputation and cause them to miss out on top talent. Conversely, a smooth, respectful process can attract the best and brightest, even in a competitive market.

Hyerable isn’t just about making hiring easier; it’s about making it better. We’re creating a platform that values the time and effort of both candidates and employers, fostering transparency and fairness in an industry that desperately needs it.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


6. Show HN: I made an extension to compress images right from Finder

URL: Visit Now

Author: vojtabohm

Text: Hey HN,

I built this macOS extension because I kept running into file size limits when uploading images to servers. It lets you shrink any image in just two clicks, right from Finder. I use it all the time to bulk compress at once. Offline, so it’s private. And it even auto-converts HEIC to JPG (no more giant iPhone pics).

I’ve been using it daily and figured others might find it useful too.

Let me know what you think!

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


7. Show HN: I made an AI-powred gaming name generator with stylish text

URL: Visit Now

Author: aimed_guendouz

Text: As gamers, we know the struggle of finding a memorable, cool username that isn’t already taken. That’s why we built the AI Gaming Name Generator – a tool designed to create unique, creative names for every type of gamer. Using cutting-edge algorithms, our tool generates names tailored to your preferences, helping you find the perfect identity in seconds.

Key Features:

    Generate names for all game genres (fantasy, sci-fi, action, etc.).
Customize name style: fierce, funny, mysterious, or random.
Completely free and no signup required.
Whether you’re rebranding for your next competitive match or just starting a new adventure, let our AI craft a standout name for you!

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


8. Show HN: AI social media where you are the only human user

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Author: jefflee0127

Text: I made an AI version of thread/twitter, where you are the only human user and everyone else is an AI friend.

It’s called Melonn(, a human-free AI social space. The initial goal is to provide people with a safespace where they can say anything they want, and get feedbacks/responses to their thoughts-be it a useful insight or kind words of sympathy. If you ever feel lonely, lost, bored or sad just come here and express how you feel without having to care about what others would think.

We are actively looking for feedbacks/opinions to improve the service! Thank you.

Points: 7 points

Comments: 2 comments


URL: Visit Now

Author: plurch

Text: Click the bookmarklet when viewing a public repository on GitHub

A new tab will open displaying related projects for the repo

Related Repos helps developers to discover open source projects that are related to each other. This can be useful to find alternative or complementary packages when building a full application.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


10. Show HN: I made an accurate YC interview simulator

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Author: aquajet

Text: I created a YC interview simulator based on my past experiences interviewing. The hardest part for me has been tripping on hard questions, and the rapid pace of the interview.

So, I focused on making a simulator that helps me with that :)


Points: 3 points

Comments: 0 comments


11. Show HN: A dead-simple CV generator using Typst typesetter

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Author: antran22

Text: I banged out this piece of code when I want to quickly do tailored CVs during my job search.


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


12. Show HN: Platform for farmers to connect, share, and make farming productive

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Author: lomolo

Text: I’m happy to launch Copod. Demo…

An app for farmers and enthusiasts can connect, share, learn, and make farming productive

- Sell/Buy directly from farms

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments

13. Show HN: World’s most performant web table (multicore, DOM-based)

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Author: snabriel


Points: 8 points

Comments: 8 comments


14. Show HN: Bluish. Another CI/CD Tool

URL: Visit Now

Author: luismedel


Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


15. Show HN: Bikeshed Prebuilt

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Author: jcbhmr


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


16. Show HN: A small React library for managing text in constrained spaces

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Author: eugen_k


Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


17. Show HN: Turn Any ArXiv Paper into a 200-Page Prerequisite Reading Book

URL: Visit Now

Author: melvinmelih

Text: I created this tool over the weekend because, as someone interested in AI and technology, I find many research papers on arXiv fascinating but often incredibly dense and difficult to understand due to the heavy jargon and technical language. I wanted to make these complex topics more accessible to laypeople like myself by converting the topics described in these papers into full-length books that break down key concepts, making cutting-edge research easier to grasp. You can think of it as generating prerequisite reading materials before being able to read the actual paper.

Here are some noteworthy arXiv papers you can test this with:

- Attention is All You Need:

- BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding:

- GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners:

- Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (ResNet):

The tool leverages GPT-4o, Perplexity, and Instructor to analyze and break down the complex concepts within these papers. Keep in mind, it’s not built for heavy traffic (current capacity is about 50 books per hour) so if things get busy, it may take a bit longer, but the book will arrive via email eventually!

Points: 6 points

Comments: 3 comments


18. Show HN: Xc - A parallel Python test-runner using Subinterpreters

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Author: brownben


Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


19. Show HN: I built a YouTube video analyser using AI (for content creators)

URL: Visit Now

Author: yvanw

Text: Hey HN.

I used to watch videos from popular YouTube strategists (Derral Eves, Think Media, Paddy Galloway) who heavily recommends to analyse the competition in order to get better in content creation.

That inspired me to build clevertrendAI — a simple tool designed to help quickly analyse YouTube video comments from competitors, and give deeper insights of an audience.

With clevertrendAI, It’s possible to uncover:

- Emotional triggers (What viewers mostly resonated with)

- Insights into the viewers’ personas

- Fresh ideas for a next content


Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


20. Show HN: A directory of startups that did things that don’t scale

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Author: rgyc

Text: Hey HN,

I’ve been working on a little side project and could really use your feedback.

So, I’ve always been fascinated by those stories of successful startups doing crazy things in their early days - you know, like Airbnb founders personally photographing listings or DoorDash founders delivering food themselves.

I started collecting these stories, and before I knew it, I had a pretty big list. So I thought, “Why not turn this into a website?” And that’s how was born.

It’s super basic right now - just a simple directory with about 70 examples. But I’m wondering if this could be useful for other founders or startup enthusiasts.

I’d love to hear your thoughts:

> Is this something you’d find helpful? Why or why not?

> What would make this more useful for you?

> Is it easy to use? (I’m not good at design)

> Am I missing any awesome stories that should be included?

I’m not trying to monetize this or anything - just want to create something helpful for the community. Any feedback, criticism, or ideas would be hugely appreciated!

Thanks in advance, you awesome people!

Points: 16 points

Comments: 2 comments


21. Show HN: Amplify Security – LLM-powered code fixes for your PRs within minutes

URL: Visit Now

Author: lae

Text: Hey HN,

We recently launched a public beta for our Security code fix generation service that we’ve been working on for a while now here at Amplify Security, and we’d like to hear your thoughts and experience using it!

Our main goal is to make developers and application security teams lives better by fixing vulnerable code /before/ it enters a code base, but if its already there we can still help you out with that. Our service lets users use battle-tested, open-source static analysis tools like Semgrep OSS or paid solutions (coming soon) to identify vulnerabilities, and then leverages AI Agents to provide actionable code fixes directly within a pull request. We also have a little knowledge base at that goes a bit more into detail about how it all works.

We support repositories hosted on GitHub and GitLab Hosted, via their respective CI infrastructure, so feel free to try it out on one of your repos by signing up at!

Points: 4 points

Comments: 0 comments


22. Show HN: SocialPredict, MIT Licensed, Easy to Deploy Prediction Market Platform

URL: Visit Now

Author: wwwpatdelcom

Text: Started this last October with the idea of enabling small communities to deploy their own walled-off prediction market instances.

We are being used by Kenyon College and St. Lawrence University.

To help please star, fork and suggest fixes, bugs or issues. Please submit a discussion on Github discussions if you would like help spinning up your own.

Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


23. Show HN: Robot Utility Models: open-source robots working in new envs zero shot

URL: Visit Now

Author: MahiShafiullah

Text: Hi all! Sharing our latest work on Robot Utility Models: open source robot models for some useful tasks like door or drawer opening at ~90% success rate that should just work out of the box (given that you have a robot, of course.)

Why is this exciting?

The state of the art for robot learning thus far has been reliant on pre-training/fine-tuning paradigm: models are first trained on large datasets, then you bring it to your own environment, collect more data, and fine-tune the model on that data. This is not ideal if you want to make robots that work in every home out of the box of course.

We’re finally free of this status quo! We showed experimentally how the key to this discovery is getting data that is both HIGH QUALITY and DIVERSE. High quality means don’t just let anyone collect robot data, and diversity means go to as many different environments as you can to collect your data.

We have a final piece that helps the robot get even better, which is simply asking GPT! You give a series of your environment images to GPT and ask it if the robot failed or succeeded. If it says the robot failed, you reset and retry! Just this simple trick helps the algorithm a lot.

We’ve also open sourced all of our code, models, data, and training code. We believe people should be able to go out there and create their own utility models for tasks that they care about, which I find very exciting!

Would love to hear your thoughts, or suggestions for next steps.

Points: 11 points

Comments: 0 comments


24. Show HN: Unreal Engine building modeler tool [video]

URL: Visit Now

Author: oliverbusch93


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


25. Show HN: Monetize and Trade Airspace with SkyTrade

URL: Visit Now

Author: glwadysSkyTrade

Text: Hey everyone,

We’re transforming the way you manage and profit from your airspace.

About SkyTrade SkyTrade is the world’s largest marketplace for low-altitude air rights. These are the rights to use and control the space above buildings and land, and with a market size in the US alone exceeding $2 trillion, there’s immense potential for real estate owners to unlock new income streams. Our platform empowers property owners to claim, govern, and monetize their airspace through rentals, leases, and sales.

The Marketplace Air rights are typically valued at 5% to 20% of property values, and SkyTrade is revolutionizing this space by bringing these rights on-chain. We’re making it simple to trade in a market that’s been opaque until now. While our marketplace has primarily catered to B2B transactions among real estate companies, property developers, and investors, we’re now expanding to a wider retail audience.

Why SkyTrade? Valuable Asset: Airspace up to 500 feet above your property can be utilized in various ways. Citadel’s $164M purchase for St. Patrick’s Cathedral’s air rights and Madison Square Garden’s $450M air rights highlight the market’s potential. Innovative Solutions: With features for drone deliveries, no-fly zones, and a consumer-facing element to rent and lease airspace, SkyTrade is paving the way for smarter urban development and efficient delivery systems.

Future Growth: The drone delivery sector is poised to grow to $450B by 2030, and we’re at the forefront of this revolution.

Get Involved Visit us at SkyTrade to explore more and register your airspace. Join our decentralized network, contribute to UAV navigation, and start earning from your skies.

Feel free to reach out with any feedback or questions. I’m excited to have you be part of this journey! Thanks!

Points: 1 points

Comments: 2 comments


26. Show HN: Sorbaba – A Search Engine Where Users Can Change the Results

URL: Visit Now

Author: sarpdag


Points: 4 points

Comments: 7 comments


27. Show HN: AI Video Chat with AI Character

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Author: ktkim


Exciting new AI character service now in free beta:

- AI Video chat with hundreds of customizable AI characters

- Instantly generate characters with tailored images, voices & traits

- Powered by latest LLMs like Claude 3.5 Sonnet, GPT-4o, Llama 3.1 and Gemini

Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments

28. Show HN: I made a simple tool to generate a new task/goal list each Monday

URL: Visit Now

Author: ejs

Text: For a while now I’ve generated a new markdown file for a weekly goal/task list, figured others might find it useful, so I made this.

Most “productivity tools” contain more than I want, I don’t need much, just a file.

I imagine I’m not the only one?

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


29. Show HN: Automatic chaptering – From raw transcripts to structured documents

URL: Visit Now

Author: Yannael

Text: Hey HN,

I have been working in the last weeks on the task of automatically extracting a table of contents from a raw (audio or video) transcript, aka a ‘chaptering’ task.

That turned out to be more difficult than I inially thought, especially because I needed to keep the timestamp data, and because I had to deal with long transcripts, and LLMs tend to ‘forget’ part of input data when it is too long.

I was also surprised that I could not find any open-source solution for that, in standard libraries like Langchain or LLamaIndex, despite the wide range of possible use cases (text summarization, referencing, sinformation retrieval in RAGs, …).

I therefore ended up putting together a workflow that turns out to work pretty well. It relies on LLMs for different language processing subtasks (text formatting, paragraph structuring, chapter segmentation and title generation), and on a TF-IDF statistics to add timestamps back after the paragraph structuring.

I just open-sourced the code and made a summary of the methodology here:

If you know any other tool or open-source library that allows similar automatic chaptering of text, please share, I’d be glad to know about them!

Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


30. Show HN: Volumes Technical Preview in Wasmer Edge

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Author: syrusakbary


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


31. Show HN: HypergraphZ – A Hypergraph Implementation in Zig

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Author: yamafaktory


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


32. Show HN: Live chat on any page of the internet

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Author: dalurness


Points: 3 points

Comments: 0 comments


33. Show HN: – Encode PNGs into web optimized AVIF images

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Author: theandrewbailey

Text: This is a script I wrote to automate image resizing and encoding for images on my blog. This script will look for PNGs in the directory you’re in and will resize and AVIF encode them. Run with -h for full options.

The script calculates a file size budget based on the square root of the image’s dimensions, and iteratively encodes images to fall in that budget.

This script will encode AVIF by default, but I’ve also thrown in JPEG-XL and JPEG support, too. This script is tuned to create very lossy images with small sizes, so if you’re looking for a miracle app that uses AI to infinitely enhance like on CSI, look elsewhere.

Points: 2 points

Comments: 2 comments


34. Show HN: HN Rank – live Hacker News ranks for top stories

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Author: strnisa

Text: Hi HN,

I built a microsite that live-tracks the top Hacker News stories and estimates their ranks based on publicly available info.

It can help one find the best time to post on HN by showing how much competition there is for the top positions in real-time.

The rank calculation formula is based on the following:

- Paul Graham’s comment:

- Ken Shirriff’s blog post:

The positions implied by the calculated rank and the actual positions often don’t match exactly because not all required info is public and because the formula is likely out-of-date. If you know how I can make it more accurate, please let me know.

The root mean square error (RMSE) between the implied and actual positions for the data so far is around 2.46. Running a brute-force to find better constants only gave a 3% improvement.

Now, let’s see if we get some HN inception: an HN post about HN Rank shown on HN Rank itself.

Best, Rok

Points: 5 points

Comments: 0 comments


35. Show HN: A bookmarklet that auto-summarizes and speaks articles to save you time

URL: Visit Now

Author: westcort

Text: This bookmarklet summarizes and reads text, listing the most context-relevant paragraphs first. The bookmarklet also changes text to aid visual processing and simultaneously speaks the text using the browser’s text to speech function. The rate of speech can be varied by adjusting a slider at the top of the page.

The bookmarklet summarizes text by removing the most common English words from the source text and ordering the remaining words by frequency of appearance. Of these words, 10 context-relevant keywords are used to gauge the relevance of a given paragraph. The greater the number of keywords that appear in a given paragraph, the higher that paragraph ranks.

Points: 3 points

Comments: 0 comments


36. Show HN: Open Message Format – a compact, vendor-agnostic spec for messages

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Author: aayushwhiz


Points: 26 points

Comments: 16 comments


37. Show HN: A VSCode plugin for a modern development experience with angular.js

URL: Visit Now

Author: alvinHuang


Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


38. Show HN: I made a recipe generator using ChatGPT-4o

URL: Visit Now

Author: pablogonmo

Text: Hi there! My name is Pablo and I don’t really like to cook

I usually find myself staring at the fridge out of ideas of what to cook. So I created this little tool that generates healthy recipes based on the ingredients you have. So you don’t really need to think about it anymore


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


39. Show HN: AI that generates responsive website layouts from simple descriptions

URL: Visit Now

Author: vizay08


Points: 3 points

Comments: 3 comments


40. Show HN: devicons for rust

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Author: alexpasmantier


Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


41. Show HN: Automate Your to Do List with AI Agent

URL: Visit Now

Author: orcagenesis


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


42. Show HN: A whiteboard that writes math equations

URL: Visit Now

Author: Ilasky


Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


43. Show HN: A1 – Faster, Dynamic, More Reliable NFC Transactions

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Author: AffableSpatula


Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


44. Show HN: Io_uring for Ruby

URL: Visit Now

Author: ciconia


Points: 110 points

Comments: 30 comments


45. Show HN: Serverless VPN App for iOS and iPadOS

URL: Visit Now

Author: gigapotential


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


46. Show HN: I built 10 side projects in past 1.5 years

URL: Visit Now

Author: Utkarshn10

Text: Hey there,

Since I started my work as an engineer I have been building side projects mainly to learn and build something of value. Here’s a collection of projects I built and the problems they solve (all the links are in the end):

Focusly (2022): I built it on a weekend in my uni dorm when there was a lot of noise due to some fest on campus and I wanted to do some focused work. It’s a collection of white noise and Lofi music to help people stay focused. This was built in 2022 but I have been actively maintaining it as it is open source and some people folks were contributing to it.

sideProjectss: This is a project that many folks liked apart from HackBud and Focusly. Many folks compared it with different and popular competitors out there. sideProjectss helps you create your only page showcasing all your side projects and blogs in less than 5 minutes.

Notion Blog: It’s a Nextjs template to help you host and write blogs directly from Notion.

HackBud: I built this last year while searching for people to participate in Hackathon but couldn’t. So, I decided to build this as a submission for the Appwrite Hackathon. It helps you connect with Teams and Teammates for your next Hackathon.

API load tester: I was working on some APIs and decided to build a load tester for them. This was built in Go as I was exploring it.

todos: This is a CLI based to-do list for people who love to use their terminals for everything.

todos-go: This is a Go version of todos.

go-rate-limiter: A rate limiter written in Go. Again a part of learning and exploring Go.

Bloom Filter: Bloom Filter is a data structure that gives False Positives and help to search for something in a huge database very quickly. I came across this and decided to implement a mini version of the bloom filter.

Diffy: It helps you compare 2 files using longest common subsequence algorithm. A good way to understand the practical use of the algorithm.

All the links:

Thanks for reading till here, if you are looking to collaborate with someone who can build software using the following tech stack: (Next.js, Supabase, PostgreSQL, and Flask) then let’s connect (Twitter:!

Points: 4 points

Comments: 6 comments

47. Show HN: We Designed an Online 3D Showroom

URL: Visit Now

Author: oceanqa

Text: Hi HN:

We have designed an online 3D showroom.

Before entering the showroom, you can customize your own 3D avatar using a wide range of options we provide. Once you’ve set up your avatar, you can control it to freely walk around and explore the showroom.

Inside the showroom, you can approach various display boards to read product information. Throughout the scene, there are various screens playing product introduction videos, complete with spatial audio effects to give you an immersive experience. These video screens, as well as some computer screens, are interactive; you can click on them to watch clearer videos or directly experience product demos in pop-up windows.

The showroom also features AI NPCs in different areas. You can talk to these NPCs to learn more about the corresponding products. Additionally, you can communicate in real-time with other attendees via audio and video.

Have a great day!

Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


48. Show HN: Realtime Events Scraper (pip package) – events-scraper

URL: Visit Now

Author: SolomonTheGreat

Text: Input parameters (city, genre, dates, etc) and get back the events happening using Ticketmaster.

Give us a star on github and check my pip package:

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


49. Show HN: What do your GitHub starred repos say about you?

URL: Visit Now

Author: lguz


Points: 22 points

Comments: 14 comments


50. Show HN: ReadPartner Portal+Extension – Summarize Anything and Automate News

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Author: GrigoryFromRP


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


URL: Visit Now

Author: sksareen1

Text: I built this platform to highlight innovative uses of Claude AI in creating UI designs, visualizations, and more. It’s a React/Node.js app with:

Curated artifact showcase Discovery filters Community voting Open submissions

As builders, how do you see AI-assisted tools changing the landscape of creation and innovation? What potential or challenges do you foresee? Feedback on the platform is welcome, especially on features that would make it more valuable for creators or enthusiasts in this space.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


52. Show HN: FluxImage: Flux AI Image Generator

URL: Visit Now

Author: christao

Text: Flux AI is a cutting-edge text to image Flux.1 AI model developed by Black Forest Labs.With Flux.1 Pro, Flux.1 Dev and Flux.1 Schnell.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


53. Show HN: Monitor Go app’s performance locally–set it up in seconds

URL: Visit Now

Author: reluct35-MATT80


Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


54. Show HN: Naughty AI chat bots >

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Author: jamiehewitt

Text: Most LLMs are restricted and can’t engage in NSFW chat.

Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


55. Show HN: I made Semantix – Infuse meaning into code with LLMs

URL: Visit Now

Author: chandralegend

Text: After months of coding and experimenting, I’m excited to share Semantix, an open-source Python library that empowers developers to write more expressive and intelligent code using the power of large language models (LLMs).

Key features:

Points: 3 points

Comments: 1 comments


56. Show HN: Dante, a zero-setup document store for Python

URL: Visit Now

Author: senko


Points: 1 points

Comments: 1 comments


57. Show HN: NPS(India) Latest NAV API and Historical Performance Tracker

URL: Visit Now

Author: rishikeshs


Points: 1 points

Comments: 0 comments


URL: Visit Now

Author: platanos

Text: As an indie hacker I always hated marketing and posting on social media so I built a simple tool to help create tiktok/instagram carousels.

It’s pretty simple to use. All the settings are optional, you just need a topic.

1. Just enter the topic of your carousel and hit Generate.

2. Download all images

3. Post to tiktok/instagram

4. ???

5. Profit.

It usually takes less than 2 minutes to create a post now.

Points: 2 points

Comments: 0 comments


59. Show HN: LocalOps – Deploy SaaS/AI apps privately

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Author: luckydev

Text: Hi HN.

Anand, here from LocalOps. I am very excited to show you LocalOps.

We have built a cloud deployment automation tool to make Private customer deployments / Single tenant deployments easy. Especially for the AI/Dev tools/Data tools startups.

Anyone can signup, connect their customer cloud account (AWS, GCP, Azure) & provision production infrastructure and make private/single tenant deployments with their containerised apps in just a few clicks. All without writing/running any custom IaC (TF, Pulumi) scripts or any devops effort.

We opened up free sign ups recently. Checkout

We would love to see you try the tool and share your feedback/comments. It will be super helpful for us.


We found businesses in regulated industries such as Financial services and Healthcare have a lot of restrictions while signing up for B2B SaaS services. They can’t share their data as freely as others, need data hosting in their own region, need single tenant deployments for more privacy & performance guarantees or need developers to maintain HIPAA, SOC2 and other compliances year on year on their SaaS environment.

We wanted to make it easier for tiny/small B2B SaaS companies to remotely deploy applications on specific cloud environments (AWS, Azure, GCP) owned by these regulated businesses. And shift data security liability that way. Devs can go on to monitor and update such environments remotely from a single dashboard after first deployment.

Docker packages?

Alternatively, Devs could package their applications as Docker image and hand it off to customers IT team to self host, install and maintain. But I’ve heard from few CTOs that Day-1 ops are slow and Day-2 ops are super hard / in feasible in this way. Monitoring these deployments remotely, keeping them up-to-date and offering same managed experience as their public SaaS etc., lacks tools and automation.

Big developer teams build such tools in-house. We wanted to bring the same tooling to smaller developer teams to save them enormous time and effort.

How it works?

Each customer deployment is as Full Stack App environment (as in 12-factor app environment). They work/run the way same no matter which cloud they run on. This is the key part for easy long term maintenance. So someone’s staging, US-production, EU-production, Customer-1-AWS, Customer-2-Azure are the same for dev teams to send updates to.

Each app environment is powered by a cloud-provider managed kubernetes cluster underneath and install/run apps using helm charts. One can signup for LocalOps, provide credentials to a target cloud account & private Helm repo where their containerised app is hosted, and get a deployment done in about 18-20mins and get a SSL enabled URL for the specific app instance. Plus, we bundle each app environment with prometheus, grafana to monitor logs and metrics.

Anyone can signup now for free at and try spinning up an app environment using a sample app we’ve kept inside.

In case you want to see it all without signing up, here is a demo video:

I’m looking forward to read and learn more your comments.


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