Hacker News [2025-01] article like leaderboard
SagaSu777 2025-02-01
[2025-01] Total Like Count Leaderboard
No. | Product Name | Description | Product Category | Likes | Comments | Tools.ShowHNToday Listing URL | URL |
1 | Byran Laptop | This is an entirely open-source laptop designed from scratch by Bryan. | open-source hardware products | 3224 | 322 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/Byran-Laptop | https://www.byran.ee/posts/creation/ |
2 | pdftris | This product is a PDF-based Tetris game that utilizes modern browser PDF engines and JavaScript to implement game functions. | game | 1289 | 223 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/PDFTris | https://th0mas.nl/downloads/pdftris.pdf |
3 | null | This is a CSS library Cs16.css based on the user interface of Counter-Strike 1.6. | web design tools | 814 | 141 | https://cs16.samke.me | |
4 | Atlas of Space | Product Overview: Atlas of Space is an interactive digital "solar system map" that allows users to explore the scale and motion of planets, moons, and asteroids. | software tools | 770 | 124 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/Atlas-of-Space | https://atlasof.space/ |
5 | Tram SDK | Tramway SDK is a low-budget, open-source game engine that combines features of the Half-Life and Morrowind engines, supports open-world streaming, is suitable for modern hardware, but is not yet fully production-ready. | Game development tools | 660 | 238 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/Tram-SDK | https://racenis.github.io/tram-sdk/why.html |
6 | isd | The interactive systemd tool isd offers fuzzy search, auto-refresh preview, and customizable interface to enhance interaction efficiency with systemd units. | software tools | 546 | 204 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/isd | https://isd-project.github.io/isd/ |
7 | Pimosa | This is a desktop application that integrates video, music, and image processing tools, allowing users to easily perform functions such as compression, conversion, and resizing. | Desktop application | 526 | 293 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/Pimosa | https://pimosa.app/ |
8 | t4t | This is a lightweight online community called t4t, designed specifically for transgender individuals, providing a friendly platform for交流 to replace the unpopular Lex. | social platform | 484 | 344 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/t4t | https://t4t.social/ |
9 | API Parrot | API Parrot is a tool for automatic reverse engineering of HTTP APIs, designed to simplify the processing of API requests and the identification of data associations. | software tool | 456 | 117 | https://apiparrot.com/ | |
10 | Factorio Blueprint Visualizer | This is an online tool for visualizing Factorio blueprints, supporting Factorio 2.0 and Space Age DLC, and allowing users to modify the drawing style. | game assist tool | 450 | 104 | https://tools.showhntoday.com/Factorio-Blueprint-Visualizer | https://github.com/piebro/factorio-blueprint-visualizer |
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